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时间:2010-11-01 14:58来源:沈阳公交网 作者:出目里利吕井 点击:

图1  6路无轨电车行驶在南京街上,由于道路拓宽,这些路旁的大树已经不复存在:







图2  中山广场上的无轨电车,毛泽东塑像如今依然存在,但电车已成为记忆:





图3  拍摄地点:和平大街。图中的电车出现了故障,正在被拖回库中:




Heping dajie (和平大街), Shenyang, 1983

I believe that this image shows 和平大街, Hépíng dàjiē, just north of 中華路, Zhōnghuá lù. The camera is facing northeastward.

The trolleybus is signed for Line 6, and is being towed by the red-painted lorry ("truck"). (This might be called a "wrecker" in the U.S.) I presume that the trolleybus suffered a mechanical failure, and is being returned to the depot for repairs.

1983 September 13.


Zhongshan Square (中山广场) - 1, Shenyang, 1983

Zhongshan Square (中山广场, Zhōngshān Guăngchăng) and statue of Máo Zédōng (毛泽东).

The Mao statue was described by contemporary guidebooks as "one of China's best." It faces southwest, toward the business center, and is aligned with 中山路, Zhōngshān lù. The camera is facing northeast. Trolleybus lines 5, 6 and 环 (Huán) worked past this location.

1983 September 13.

Nanjing lu (南京路) - 2, Shenyang, 1983

Another view of 南京路, Nánjīng lù, north of 中山广场, Zhōngshān Guăngchăng, "Zhongshan Square" (or: "Sun Yat-sen Square").

The camera is facing southwestward. The trolleybus is working Line 6.

Satellite images make clear that this tree-shaded streetscape is very much a "vanished scene," because of road widening.

1983 September 13.


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