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时间:2010-10-30 16:25来源:沈阳公交网 作者:出目里利吕井 点击:

图1、图2  北顺城路/朝阳街路口的9路无轨电车:




Beishuncheng lu (北顺城路) at Chaoyang jie (朝阳街) - 4, Shenyang, 1983

Note the number of cyclists at left.

The trolleybus in the foreground is working Line 9, and that following not far behind is working Line 7. I do not remember what the van-like vehicle in between the trolleybuses is.

1983 September 16.





Beishuncheng lu (北顺城路) at Chaoyang jie (朝阳街) - 5, Shenyang, 1983

The cyclist in the foreground appears puzzled. Perhaps about the camera ... perhaps about the very brightly-colored "T"-shirt (" ... so 'loud' that you can hear it ... ").

1983 September 16.



图3、图4  北顺城路/朝阳街路口的16路无轨电车:




Beishuncheng lu (北顺城路) at Chaoyang jie (朝阳街) - 3, Shenyang, 1983

I do not remember "why" I made so many images at this location. All that I can say, after 27 years, is that "It must have seemed like a good idea at the time."

The trolleybus in the foreground is working Line 16. That in the background is working Line 9.

1983 September 16.




Beishuncheng lu (北顺城路) at Chaoyang jie (朝阳街) - 2, Shenyang, 1983

Busy morning, busy intersection.

The trolleybus is working Line 16. This line was not shown on the Shenyang public transport map that I purchased (this is dated 1982 June). The line continued westward to a terminal at 明文化向口, Míng wénhuà xiàngkǒu.

1983 September 16.




图5  津桥路上的16路电车:



The Cartsmen (Xiaojinqiao lu, 小津桥路), Shenyang, 1983

This is one of my favorite images. The two "cartsmen" did not appear concerned about the Line 16 trolleybus following close behind.

小津桥路, Xiǎojīnqiáo lù, west of 朝阳街, Chāoyáng jiē, near 珠林路, Zhūlín lù. (小津桥路, Xiǎojīnqiáo lù, is named 津桥路, Jīnqiáo lù, today.)

1983 September 16.




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