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时间:2010-10-30 11:54来源:沈阳公交网 作者:出目里利吕井 点击:


图1  环路无轨电车正由胜利街转弯进入民主路:


图2  环路无轨电车与图一在同一地点。(注意这名电车司机穿着色泽鲜艳,浅绿色的T恤衫。按当时中国人的习惯来看,这是一种没有遵循时尚的潮流...)

图3  10路无轨电车行驶在沈阳站附近,正由中华路转出至胜利街。周围的建筑是日本侵略若干年后留下的:





Shengli jie (胜利街) - 1, Shenyang, 1983

Afternoon view of 胜利街, Shènglì jiē ("Victory Street"), at 民主路, Mínzhǔ lù ("Democracy Road"). The camera is facing northwestward.

The trolleybus, which is working Line 环 (Huán), will turn southeastward into 民主路, Mínzhǔ lù.

(I note, with interest, that the driver of this trolleybus is wearing a brightly-colored, lime-green T-shirt. He certainly was not following a fashion trend set by me ...)

1983 September 13.



Shengli jie (胜利街) - 2, Shenyang, 1983

The trolleybus, signed for Line 10, has just turned from 中山路, Zhōngshān lù, into 胜利街, Shènglì jiē.

Note the various motor vehicles at right. Note also the red-brick buildings, which date to the Japanese occupation years.

Shenyang railway station (沈阳站, Shényáng zhàn) is a short distance to the west (left), out of the photograph. Flickr user "kattebelletje" has posted an image of the station entrance:www.flickr.com/photos/kattebelletje/3216622862/

1983 September 15.

Shengli jie (胜利街) - 3, Shenyang, 1983

The trolleybus is working Line 环 (Huán). It is turning from 胜利街, Shènglì jiē ("Victory Street"), into 民主路, Mínzhǔ lù ("Democracy Road").

1983 September 15.


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